NAAC 'A' Accredited | Affiliated To Bangalore University | AICTE Approved

St. Francis de Sales College


Placement Cell and Career Guidance Cell St Francis de Sales College provides career guidance and placement facilities to undergraduate students. The Office helps the students assess their career interest with aptitude and offers them an opportunity to meet and be interviewed by some of the prestigious firms in the state and the country. It organizes mock interviews, workshops, seminars and group discussions on relevant topics. Campus recruitment is held from November to July of every academic year. Usually, the process begins with a pre-placement talk which gives students an insight about the company and the job they have to offer, followed by the selection process.

Placement Officers:
Dr. T Sujin - Head Training and Placements

Ensure the students are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills which makes them industry ready.

Coach, Mentor & Guide the students to select the right career option.

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Placement Guidelines:

  • Students with their average score of less than 60% would not be eligible for any Placement assistance from the Institute.
  • The students who have not carried out the following responsibilities would be relegated to last priority for Placement assistance from the Institute.
    • Recruitment Survey to be carried out for 10- 25 Companies
    • Placement Presentations in Companies during their Summer Internship and their documented feedback
    • Attending the Corporate Meet
    • Attending PPTs / Guest Lectures / CEO Forums / Corporate Forums.
  • It is compulsory for all the final year students from all streams to attend the Pre-Placement Talks. (Here in after referred to as PPT’s). In case a student is absent in more than 2 PPT’s he / she would be debarred from further Placement Assistance from the Institute.
  • Students are advised to submit their preferred area of specialization where he / she would like to pursue his/ her career. No changes would be allowed once the undertaking in exceptional cases, the case would be reviewed and if approved by the TnP Board, the change might be considered.
  • Students are expected to find out the details about the companies their profile and all other relevant details about the Company visiting the campus from the website or from the Placement Office of TnP or any other source.
  • Once a student has applied for a particular Company after the PPT/ display of Placement notice for the Company it would be assumed that he / she is interested in the Company and hence the excuse of not liking the profile of the Company or the job would not be entertained. All defaulters would be subject to severe penalties as per the decision of the TnP Board.
  • Sponsored Students are not eligible for Placement.
  • Campus Placement is first job of students. In order to learn practical aspects more, it is expected that the students look for job profile and not for other benefits including salary.
  • Students are expected to find out the details about the companies their profile and all other relevant details about the Company visiting the campus from the website or from the Placement Office of TnP or any other source.
  • Once a student has applied for a particular Company after the PPT/ display of Placement notice for the Company it would be assumed that he / she is interested in the Company and hence the excuse of not liking the profile of the Company or the job would not be entertained. All defaulters would be subject to severe penalties as per the decision of the TnP Board.
  • Sponsored Students are not eligible for Placement.
  • Campus Placement is first job of students. In order to learn practical aspects more, it is expected that the students look for job profile and not for other benefits including salary.
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Summer Internships:
Industry Interaction should continue to remain the sole responsibility of the Institution. In other words, each Institution will continue to be responsible and accountable for the Placement of its Pass outs, for which they will perform all activities including liaison with Corporate and Companies, Accreditation of their Institutions with Corporate and Companies, etc. However, whenever a Corporate or Company is called by an Institution, they will find out all the Programmes, whose pass outs are eligible for Placement and inform all other Institutions, for sending eligible pass outs. Placement is the sole responsibility of Students. The Training and Placement cell (TnP) and various other Faculty members only facilitate and provide the guidance to the students.

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Following are various activities where students are actively involved:

  • Design and Printing of Placement Brochure – Soft copy as well as Hard copy
  • Developing and Executing the Placement strategy
  • Conducting Recruiting Survey (s)
  • Interacting with the Past Recruiters
  • Interacting with the Potential Recruiters
  • Recruiters of other E-Schools/Benchmarking
  • Placement Presentation at various companies
  • Organizing the Career Counselling session by experts
  • Organizing Resume Writing, GD and Interview(s) skills development sessions
  • Maintaining student Resume Bank
  • Developing and maintaining Corporate Database
  • Allocation of companies to student groups for image building
  • Coordinating all the activities related to Placement

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Training & Development:

Keeping in view the industry requirements, the training curriculum is designed for preparing the students for entry-level Graduate Trainees.

  • Personality Development
  • Communication Skills & Vocabulary
  • Resume Preparation& Email Writing
  • Group Discussion
  • Interview Skills
  • Aptitude Training & Practice Tests
  • Foreign Languages such as French & German

Career Guidance:

  • Highlighting articles on departmental notice boards regarding Competitive & Industrial Career Opportunities.
  • Inform students about the available job opportunities in government sectors and off campus drives.
  • Arranging Motivational Talks.
  • Conducting Psychometric Test.
  • Conducting Expectation Management Workshops.
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